"It is so easy to waste our lives: our days, our hours, our minutes.
It is so easy to take for granted the color of the azaleas,
the sheen of the limestone on Fifth Avenue,
the color of our kid's eyes,
the way the melody in a symphony rises and falls and disappears and rises again.
It is so easy to exist instead of live."
By Anna Quindlen

Monday, August 15, 2011

bilal's full moon birthday

Yes, just when you thought we couldn't go to yet another wine tasting adventure...we did.  We went to Ripken winery in Lodi (again), but this time they had a Full moon event from 6-9 with a live band and wood fired pizzas. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate Bilal's birthday. I discovered my mom's camera and was eager to take some shots of the moon at different times in the evening. We had a great time, the girls even danced with Bilal. The winery even had a jumpy house for kids, definitely not something you would ever see in Napa..where they actually cater to families. Our friends Vikram, Sandhya and their two adorable kids, Riya and Ritham came as well to celebrate.  It was definitely a night to remember with a full moon in the vineyards.

strawberry fields forever

The girls and I headed to Brentwood at Berry's Best to pick some strawberries for ourselves. They had been asking to go for a while and since summer is about to end, I couldn't think of a better time to head out with one of Rayna's buddy Alyssa and her mom, Maria who live out here in Concord.  It was a 40 minute drive, but well worth it. They gave us 12 baskets for picking and the girls filled up those little baskets in no time. Although the farm had already picked some of their better berries to sell, the girls had so much fun picking all the little, over ripe ones. They did a great job picking them, and they are ready for another farm adventure...peaches here we come:)

strawberry picking
alyssa sweetie

nikoo sweetie

girls in the garden

maria picking her own

totally happy baby

bell pepper field

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